
Dear Fellow MAA Members;

Thank you for visiting our MAA membership website which we have created as a way to improve communications with all of our members.  The Executive Board envisions this site as an opportunity to keep all MAA members informed,  as well as provide our membership with the opportunity to contact any of us when needed.  As you review the contents of the site,  please take the time to read the current contract, historical  contracts, MAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes, MAA Annual Budget, and much more .  Also provided is information regarding the Sick Bank, Tuition Reimbursement Program, and the Grievance and Arbitration process.  In addition, we have provided links to the AFSCME website, as we are an affiliate member of that organization.  In addition to the above information,  we provided the names and contact information of the Executive Board and Stewards.  Please feel free to contact any one of us for assistance or feedback to improve the website. In my role as President,  I frequently remind the Mayor and Administration of the personalized and professional services that we provide to the City,  and the value that the MAA and it membership contributes to him and his Administration.  We are the core group of staff that provides and oversee direct services to our citizens, establishes and monitors departmental budgets and improves the City’s infrastructure.  I would like to personally thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to the City of Stamford. 

Dan Colleluori 
MAA President

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